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In fact, 737 had crossed the mainland coast having traversed the Biscay Gulf in full stealth remaining outside all control zones at two thousand feet AGL (above ground level) avoiding the mountains as best she could and reaching the Rhine near Strassburgh and then following that watercourse north to Frank-am-rhine.The Graf had heard second hand of 737's position and was scouring the horizon using a powered optic; he reported,"There is a strobe on the horizon just west of south."He was joined by a tower controller also using powered optics who advised"737, we do not have you on radar, please switch on landing lights ... yes we have you visual; continue approach, decrease to minimum safe cruise and descend to fifteen hundred over the top, report overhead." Frank's, one twenty knots, fifteen hundred feet and report overhead." 737" Frank's, 737 overhead at fifteen hundred." 737, you are clear to land in the road loop." 737"."737, down and safe." 737".Elle had put the shuttle in the. The memory of the dream was still fresh and vivid in his mind. He rolled over off his stomach, onto his back, and could see where his erection was pulling the waistband of his pants up high enough that he could see down them.The dream was so real — so vivid — that he was amazed he had not ejaculated in his pants. He also couldn't get it out of his head. The dream consumed him, and when he closed his eyes, he could see her nude body, smell her scent of arousal, and hear the sounds of her pleasure.Tharsas jerked off his shirt — sweat beading on his body despite the chill air. His pants followed, and he climbed under the thinnest of his sheets, trying to go back to sleep. Half of him wanted the troubling thoughts and arousal to go away, while the other half of him was hoping the dream would return.Tharsas' hand had wrapped around his cock before his brain registered that it was moving. He couldn't think, couldn't sleep, and there was only one way to make his painfully throbbing erection.
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